Monday, January 24, 2022

Why Biology and Public and Professional Writing?

 At High Point University I am a biology major with a minor in public and professional writing (PPW). I chose biology because as a kid my dream was to be an ER doctor. I grew up hearing stories from my mom who is a doctor and I just fell in love with the profession. I've always wanted to help people, especially when there day is already hard enough. Plus, it is a job that allows me to have a large outreach and something that fulfills my desire of something new everyday. 

Now, I know my minor seems weird seeing as what my goal is. However, I needed a back up plan due to the competitive nature of medical schools. I chose PPW because it is something I could still use in the medical world. If I found out medicine wasn't for me or I got burnt out in the hospital setting I could become a medical writer. This would allow me to still have a large outreach and help those around me while still doing something I enjoy. Now, I run the PPW social media sites to try and spread the word about this minor so that it can have others backs like is has mine. 

 There are so many things in the world of science that are confusing or miscommunicated and I wanted to be apart of the solution. A class that is helping me prepare for this situation is journalism. Journalism is another field that has a lot of the same problems. However, learning how journalists write and how they combat these issues is a great way to carry ideas over to medical writing. No matter what I end up doing I am determined to be prepared for whatever comes. 

Walter Cronkite

 Early Life In 1916, Walter Cronkite was born in St. Joseph Missouri. As a little boy, he realized he wanted to become a journalist by readi...