Thursday, April 14, 2022

Julian Assange and Collateral Murder

 Julian Assange is an Australian journalist who founded the media organization WikiLeaks. Through this organization he released thousands of classified or internal documents from corporate businesses to the government. 

Included in these released documents was a video entitled "collateral murder" from a Baghdad airstrike on July 12, 2007. This video shows a graphic and unsettling image of two Reuters journalists (Saeed Chmagh and Namir Noor-Eldeen) and a number of Iraqis gunned down by an American helicopter. However, this is not the worst of it, while the U.S. soldiers were firing you can hear them laughing at the casualties, all of whom were civilians. 

During the first strike, seven men, including Reuters journalist Namir Noor-Eldeen, were killed. Namir was only 22 years old. The second journalist, Saeed Chmagh, was injured and trying to crawl away. You can clearly hear one of the shooters say, "look at those dead bastards, nice."

The U.S. soldiers did not stop there. After the first strike, a van driver named Saleh Tomal drove by and attempted to help the wounded journalist Chmagh. This is when a U.S. shooter says, "come on, let us shoot." They then proceed to shoot at the civilian van. Both Chmagh and Tomal were killed in this strike, two of Tomal's kids were in the van and were severely wounded. Instead of them immediately being transferred to a medical facility by the U.S. base they were handed over to Iraqi police then taken to an Iraqi hospital. This not only delayed their treatment it also meant they were taken to a facility that has poorer standards of medical treatment. 

Once the Humvees arrive on scene, one is seen driving over a body and you can hear the soldiers in the plane laughing and joking about it. This disgusting video shows the true corruption within our military and the devastating consequences it brings. 

*All information comes from WikiLeaks.

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